#RetoCoper is, in our opinion, one of the best experiences in Colombia to live everything the magnificent Andes have to offer in just a couple of days. Long and painful climbs, extreme weather changes and spectacular landscapes through a gravel path during 2 days.

We start this adventure at Kamp Nativo, a beautiful EcoLodge in the town of Sutatausa at 8.530ft (2.600m) above the sea level. This town has a long history during the Spanish Inquisition, as there are chronicles that tell how the local cultures were forced to submit in the mountain ridge that surrounds the area. You can also find rock paintings in the boulders spread in this terrain.
As every place in the Altiplano Cundiboyacense (the area between the Departments of Cundinamarca and Boyaca), just starting we face the mountain, and we go up to Carupa, then descend to Coper. This little town is hidden under the mountains at 3.280ft (1.000m), and both the climb and descend are fun and exciting.
The real challenge starts on day 2, when we will climb back the same mountain with an elevation gain of 8.200ft (2.500m) in 21,7mi (35km). Is just one mountain, but it will take your whole day. There is no rush or limit time, just by reaching the peak it will be a story to brag about.